Wednesday, August 20, 2008

"Bill Clinton, Obama have 'terrific conversation'."

So CNN says that Mr. Ex-President "Damn, I thought I'd be able to nail interns for at least four more years" Bill Clinton has met with the latest Democratic presumptive nominee Barack "I just happened to be out of town every time my spiritual mentor decided to attack every aspect of American life, government, and culture and who happens to be so racist that he makes Jesse Helms look like that simple, bumbling, good-hearted angel Clarence in 'It's a Wonderful Life'" Obama, and that the two had a "terrific conversation".

Let me see if I can make an accurate guess as to how this conversation went

CLINTON: I can't believe that Hillary isn't going to be President...
OBAMA: I can't believe I am going to be President.
CLINTON: I can't believe I am not going to get to spend the next four years with a whole new, young, nubile, innocent...
OBAMA: Bill!
CLINTON: Bunch of interns
OBAMA: I can't believe I am going to be President.
CLINTON: Just remember, the American public is stupid. You can lie and lie and lie. They might catch you in one or two, but then you just lie about your lie about your lie, and sooner or later they get bored and move on to a new subject.

OBAMA: Didn't you get impeached.
CLINTON: Well, yeah, but I wasn't removed from office.
OBAMA: And at least she didn't derail your campaign like Donna Rice did to Gary Hart
CLINTON: Had her.

OBAMA: Or lead to your prosecution like Fawn Hall did for Oliver North.
CLINTON: Had her.

OBAMA: And she didn't turn an entire religion against you like Jessica Hahn did for Jim Bakker.
CLINTON: Had her too.
OBAMA: Jesus!

CLINTON: Oh, yeah there have been alot of them.
OBAMA: Linda Tripp?
CLINTON: Actually, no. She's one of the few.
OBAMA: Bill?
CLINTON: Okay, once.
CLINTON: Fine, nine times, whatever. The point is that the American people are morons. Lie your way into the Presidency, and lie then your way through it.
OBAMA: You don't think I know the citizenry lack intelligence?
CLINTON: What's a citizenry? Nevermind. Idiots, the American people, the lot of them.
OBAMA: What are the chances I never heard any hate-mongering sermons in a church I was a member of for twenty years?
OBAMA: Morons.
CLINTON: Here's to you Mr. President... By the way, can I stay a few nights in the Lincoln bedroom? I have some interns I need to impress.

Or something to that effect. (The above conversation was taken from a transcript written by John Doe and provided to Baked America by John Doe. The transcript was made from a tape of the conversation recorded by John Doe. The tape was made by John Doe when he accidentally overheard the conversation whilst in an air duct at the Beverly Wilshire Hotel. John Doe recently disappeared during an expedition to Billi Bali, a suburb of Bali Proper. His whereabouts are currently unknown).

Let's face it. There may be a select few politicians who would like to actually make improvements to this country, not just "change" for "change" sake, but they aren't able to actually get anything accomplished.

Maybe it's always been like this. Maybe George Washington was in the hip pocket of some marijuana lobby from the south. Maybe Abraham Lincoln didn't actually give a shit about freeing slaves, he just wanted to be a really, really popular President (of course, if that was the case, he should have picked a less volatile subject than slavery as all he got was a bullet in the brain pan for his troubles).

I'd like to think that our forefathers were something more than middle-class white guys who didn't want to pay taxes (credit to Robert Wuhl). Whatever their reasoning, those magnificent bastards still managed to create the greatest human civilization in history. Now it is being perverted by the men who hold the very same positions almost two-and-a-half centuries later.

Bill Clinton, an inveterate liar and a horny teenager at heart, forever tarnished the office of the presidency of the United States by not holding himself to a higher standard, a standard that is demanded by the Office of the Presidency. Let me re-phrase, because, as well all know, Bill isn't the only whore-monger that ever graced the Oval Office, but, damn Bill, couldn't you have been a little more discreet? The President should hold himself to a higher standard. We've had many who have, some who haven't. The last two certainly haven't. We need another who will.

Barack Obama, another liar, who would have anyone who will listen believe that a man he has called his "spiritual mentor", who himself is overtly racist and has said as much in many of his sermons (if you don't believe me, surf YouTube), never gave such sermons when he was present... for TWENTY years.

We're not talking about someone having a second family across the country that isn't discovered until after he dies. This is a guy Obama has spent an inordinate amount of time with, and we're supposed to believe that he never heard such talk out of his "spiritual mentor"? We are not that dumb.

We elected Mr. Penisdent... twice. We elected the Frat Boy... twice. And we are about to elect Obama... maybe we are that dumb.

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