Now, I don't necessarily believe that you have to have served in the U.S. military to be qualified to be President. So, when previous military service is brought up with regards to a Presidential candidate, I don't think such service proves a person's loyalty and love for the country, but it certainly helps to reiterate it.
Having said that, many older Americans weigh this attribute more heavily than the younger ones. Although, even within those younger demographics, such service still matters to some. McCain is a god to these people, with his extensive military service and POW history. Fair or not, a candidate with military service is viewed by many as a better American than one who has no such experience.
This has been a problem for the Democratic Party with regards to Barack Obama. The American political media, who thinks Obama hung the moon, has apparently come up with what it thinks is an appropriate response for him. (So, now news outlets are operating as his campaign manager and strategist? Wow!) is reporting that Obama once THOUGHT about joining the military.
I once thought about being an astronaut. Does that make me an astronaut? Does it make me comparable to an astronaut? Does it make me qualified to work at NASA? Well, CNN?!?!?
Another example. I once thought about being a journalist. Does that make me a journalist? Does it make make me comparable to a journalist? Does it make me qualified to work at CN... oh. Well, okay. It actually works in this case, but only because half the staff over there apparently received their degrees from The Jayson Blair School of Journalism. But, I digress.
In essence, by printing this story, CNN wants everyone in America to believe that merely thinking about joining the military is the same thing as actually serving in it?!?
They want us to believe that thinking about joining the military gives a person the same experience to bring into the Oval Office as someone who actually served and fought in a war?!?
I once thought about joining the Manson Family.
I need to reiterate the fact that I do not believe that you have to have served in the military to be a decent President. However, having said that, CNN is buying into that idea by throwing this asinine story out there. By doing that, CNN is agreeing to play within those confines, and they damn well better step up to the plate with something more than a some fleeting fucking thought. And that, my friends, incredibly, is what they have done.
I once thought about becoming a golf club... specifically, a seven-iron.
Wake up, you media pukes. You are a joke. You're turning the objectivity of news reporting into tabloid journalism. McCain gives a glib response to an honest question, you jump down his throat. Obama does the same thing, you call him "electric". How the fuck do you sleep at night?!?
I once thought about becoming the all-time knockout leader in amateur women's roller derby.
You're sad... sniveling... dishonest... arrogant... elitist... condescending... patronizing... and pathetic. It is not your job to be the conscience for every person in America. It is your job to turn out unbiased (you might want to go get your dictionary, as you no longer know what the word means) news and let the American people make up their own minds about who the best candidate is.
I once wondered what it would be like if the moon was made of barbecue spare ribs. (Nod to Will Ferrell).
The funny thing, Obama was a shoe-in 8 weeks ago. Today? Not so much. What does this prove? Well, maybe it's backlash against one-sided reporting. More likely, the American people are simply not as dumb as the political media thinks we are. We have seen through their horseshit and are not buying it. And what's more, as cynical and jaded as those media fucks are, it is not surprising that they can buy into a candidate who throws out the word "change" but offers no detailed, specific plans or framework through which those changes would be implemented.
Their line has always been a refusal to try to actually improve aspects of American life, culture, economy, and government that need addressing. This biased political media machine has absolutely no interest in solving the myriad of problems that face our Country today. They are interested in two things, and two things only: Making you afraid of it, and telling you who is to blame for it. That is how you win an election. (Nod to Aaron Sorkin).
I once thought about digging up Ted Bundy's femurs and fusing them together for a kick-ass, albeit morbid, walking stick.
Obama has pledged to eliminate lobbyists and specials interests. Two things: First, everybody says it and nobody can do it. Those groups have way too much money. Second, McCain supports the same thing. If you really want to deal with that subject, start with the hundreds of Representatives and Senators, Republican and Democrat alike, who have the power to pass legislation to make these changes, but never will because they enjoy the perks too damn much.
I once thought that it would be a good idea to change Donald Trump's title to His Excellency, the Premier Toupee Poopy Pants.
Damn you, you media bastards, for making me stick up for the Republican Party. You guys suck! You are the scourge of the two-party system. You vote along party lines even when your candidate is clearly overmatched. Why don't you just hold your breath and stomp your feet until you get your way?
I once thought about having my legs cut off and sewed to my head like giant, hinged horns... with feet.
Look, you may not like McCain's politics, and I may not like them. That's the beauty of the freedom of choice that we are provided as American citizens. But, this man endured more pain than you can possibly fathom, and he did it so you can write bullshit like "Barak Obama once considered joining the military." He refused to be freed by his captors because his military code dictated that American prisoners were to accept release only in the order in which they were captured.
In case you are incredibly dense, that means he CHOSE to remain a POW (for 5 1/2 years), refusing to leave his fellow soldiers. That, my friends, is called character. You don't have to like him, but you should damn sure show him respect. And printing an article that states your candidate once thought about entering military service while the other guy was shot down behind enemy lines and tortured for his entire period of internment, to the point that he still has a noticeable limp, is not showing him respect. Shame on you!
I once thought about a country where professional journalists were mature enough to put their personal beliefs aside and report the news with honesty, decency and parity.
One final note. With the recent demotions of uber-liberals Chris Matthews and Keith Olbermann at MSNBC, it is comforting to know that at least one news outlet is trying to do it the proper way, or at the very least, that a fed-up American populous, who demands unbiased reporting, is forcing the outlets to change the manner in which they report on the American political system.
Either way, it's a step in the right direction.